Algérie Télécom: 1200 Da Internet bonus on IDOOM ADSL/FIBRE top-ups

Algérie Télécom is pleased to announce the launch of his new promotion enabling its residential customers who subscribe to IDOOM ADSL and FIBRE benefit from up to 1200 Da bonus on their reloads.

Lhe promotion in question, valid for a one month from December 03, 2021is to provide subscribers with :

600 Da bonus for every reload of a card/ticket of 2000 Da.1200 Da bonus for each reload of a card/ticket from 3000 Da.

Aussi, bonuses are valid when using electronic payment cards (EDAHABIA or CIB).

A With this new promotion, Algérie Télécom is once again demonstrating its commitment to meeting the needs and expectations of its customers.

Por more information, Algérie Télécom invites you to visit its website: or get in touch with our web advisors on their Facebook page: AlgerieTelecom

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